Thursday 23 February 2012

INTJ - ah the Psychology Results are in...

Apparently according to my latest on-line psychology evaluation I am on par with the likes of Steven Hawking & Albert Einstein...

It's just a bit of a shame about the "Malignant narcissism with border line suppressed Schizophrenia & Homicidal rage."

"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Mike Tyson

Social psychologist Erich Fromm first coined the term malignant narcissism in 1964, describing it as a "severe mental sickness" representing "the quintessence of evil". However from my perspective to be what people consider 'insane' just requires a change of perspective, just like all you need for 'genius' is perspective. One common feature of mild mania is the result in an increased fluency and frequency of ideas that is highly conducive to creative achievement.

So genius and insanity do really go hand in hand after all...

A 1 in 4 % (percentile) well that can't be so bad, can it.

I always think of it as eye opening, when people of learned stature choose to vilify narcissism as the quintessence of evil, whilst they lavishly bestow justification in abundance on vigilantism.

In fact they Quantify it, the propaganda machine falls over itself to advertise it. Would anyone really care about any of it, if everyone simply chose to ignore it. A poignant and acute point of view that many of those who proclaim to be scholars would do well to heed.

Oh sedition how I love you, let me count the ways... Sedition complements treason and martial law while treason controls primarily the privileged opponents, martial law frightens commoners, the way that sedition frightens intellectuals.

When Anonymous declares acts of war against it's own government this is not an act of treason, but rather a direct act of Sedition leaving you to ponder and ask yourself the very real Question;

Who's in control here? The Puppet's or the Puppeteer?

When Anonymous first started it was clear it had people there at it's depths defining action's promoting and setting standards for policy but now it has progressed into an unstoppable uncontrollable seditious mass, known only amongst it's members as the "Hive".

As someone with an interest in current affairs I find myself following there actions closely along with everyone else as it leaves me with one of the best unique riddles, where do we go from here?

Should I do as they frequently suggest and Join there ranks.. Sorry no but like the great Gatsby the Riddler works solo and that my friends is narcissism...

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